Prezentare generală
- Updated On:
- octombrie 16, 2024
Residential project on Daliei str. 2D, Baia Mare, a Revolution Residence brand project.
We offer for sale a 2-room apartment, 43.68 sqm, plus the related terrace with an area of 6.87 sqm.
Project details:
– location: strada Daliei 2D, Baia Mare
– height regime P+2E and includes a total of 30 apartment units
– very easy access to public transport, restaurants, shops, malls, gardens, approximately 200m away
-excellent positioning, the block being secluded, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the positioning being in a quiet area
– high safety and quality standards
– green space for the apartments located on the ground floor
-modern design
– outdoor parking
– playground for the little ones, about 100 m away
-video surveillance
-private access, with barrier
– the property is sold habitable, with underfloor heating and condensing boiler.
For more details, you can contact us at phone number 0372.477.477 / 0774.049.796
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