Prezentare generală
- Updated On:
- octombrie 16, 2024
Modern, spacious and well divided, the apartments within the residential complex Republicii 63, are the ideal choice for a home in a block of flats.
Due to the excellent location, you have everything nearby, to 5 minutes from home. 5 minutes of walk not going by car.
We offer you for sale the last 2 room and 3 room apartments with surfaces between 57.84 square meters and 84.74 square meters and the afferent terrace with surface between 3.41 sqm and 6.51 sqm.
By ”everything” we mean facilities such as:
- supermarket for daily shopping;
- restaurant and coffee shop for leisure and all kind of meetings;
- gym for keeping you healthy and fit;
- park, where you can walk or run;
- nursery school, school and safe playgrounds for your children.
Project details:
- block of flats – ground floor +7 levels, 86 apartments
- elevator
- outside parking spaces
- underground parking
Architecture: Archor Studio
Building materials: Ceramall Showroom
Inside Design: Andrei Pasca DesignInterior
Accepted pay methods:
- staggered payment
- bank credit
- full payment with discount
Minimum money advance – 25%
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Plata integrala cu discount
La plata integrala a bunului imobiliar achizitionat, cumparatorul beneficiaza de discounturi personalizate.
Plata esalonata
Revolution Residence accepta plati esalonate din partea cumparatorului, in functie de situatia prezentata de acesta. In cazul platii esalonate, avansul minim este de 25% din valoarea tranzactiei.
Plata prin credit bancar
Exista si posibilitatea achitarii imobilului sau a spatiului si prin intermediul unui credit ipotecar. Banca o alege clientul, noi il ajutam cu tot ce ne sta in putinta pentru a primi cat mai repede avizul favorabil si locuinta mult visata.
Colaboram cu toate institutiile bancare pentru a gasi solutia cea mai avantajoasa, care se potriveste cel mai bine fiecarui client.
Rata dobanzii afisata de noi este de la CEC Bank. Se modifica trimestrial, in functie de indicii de referinta ROBOR si EURIBOR si va fi actualizata periodic.
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