Prezentare generală
- Updated On:
- octombrie 16, 2024
Daliei 2A residential complex
The new Revolution Residence project, on Daliei 2A Street, welcomes you with new apartments, at extremely affordable prices.
We offer for sale the last 3 room apartment, with 74.93 sqm total area, plus the terrace with an area of 5.32 sqm. Buy the apartment and you`ll benefit from free design for the bathroom.
Project details:
- block of flats – ground floor + 2 levels, with 27 apartments location: 2A Daliei street, Baia Mare
- easy access to public transport, restaurants, shops, mall
- excellent positioning, the block being withdrawn, away from the bustle of the city, positioned in a quiet area- high standards of safety and quality
- modern design
- modern finishes
- outdoor parking
- the apartments on the ground floor benefit from green space
- the apartments are sold in the semi-finished stage (central heating and radiators installed, entrance door, plastered walls, screed, two layers of plaster, electrical installations made without appliances, sanitary installations executed without sanitary objects.
- exterior carpentry and finished balcony.
The semi-finished stage includes:
- central heating, radiator heating installation
- outside access door
- 2 layers of plaster
- electrical and sanitary installation on position, without sanitary appliances and objects
- exterior carpentry
- finished balcony
At client request, the apartments can be sold in finished stage. Compared to the semi-finished stage, the finished stage has the following in addition:
- tileware and faience
- parquet
- painted walls
- interior doors
For all our projects we use the best quality materials, from reliable partners such as: Helios, Duraziv, Cemacon, Bramac. We value quality, but also the appearance given by modern design.
Accepted pay methods:
- staggered payment
- bank credit
- full payment with discount
Minimum money advance – 25%
Materials: Vivohaus
Design: Andrei Pasca DesignInterior
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Plata integrala cu discount
La plata integrala a bunului imobiliar achizitionat, cumparatorul beneficiaza de discounturi personalizate.
Plata esalonata
Revolution Residence accepta plati esalonate din partea cumparatorului, in functie de situatia prezentata de acesta. In cazul platii esalonate, avansul minim este de 25% din valoarea tranzactiei.
Plata prin credit bancar
Exista si posibilitatea achitarii imobilului sau a spatiului si prin intermediul unui credit ipotecar. Banca o alege clientul, noi il ajutam cu tot ce ne sta in putinta pentru a primi cat mai repede avizul favorabil si locuinta mult visata.
Colaboram cu toate institutiile bancare pentru a gasi solutia cea mai avantajoasa, care se potriveste cel mai bine fiecarui client.
Rata dobanzii afisata de noi este de la CEC Bank. Se modifica trimestrial, in functie de indicii de referinta ROBOR si EURIBOR si va fi actualizata periodic.
- Rata dobânzii în%
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